Woodland sunrise - felted scene-scape - beginner +
CourseWinter Sunrise Tutorial project - clear and detailed video workshop to gradually build up a woodland path scene - suitable for beginners and beyond. Learn how to create depth and tell a story with wool painting techniques.
Mr.Badger 3d felting tutorial
CourseMr. Badger Tutorial project - clear and detailed video workshop to make a characterful Badger sculpture - learn new techniques, practise fur effects and or just enjoy a relaxing prod!
Flying Robin with Mistletoe - Needle & Wet felt
CourseIn this workshop Liberty goes through how to needle felt a flying Robin design - templates provided - onto pre-felt and then make scented coasters or even hot water bottle covers! They make great gifts and anyone can try.
Dala Donkey - A New Tradition!
CourseDala Donkey Tutorial project - clear and detailed video workshop to make adorable Donkey - easy and perfect for beginners or if you want a relaxing prod!
Fawn woodland display felting tutorial!
CourseFelt a young Freckled Fawn and capture the beautiful auburn colours and dappled freckles. This project can be made with the deer sitting or standing for more of a challenge - both look adorable in an autumnal display.
Pheasant Wreath felting tutorial
CourseFelt a glorious pheasant and capture the beautiful auburn colours of his feathers. This project includes some wet felting which is fully explained and a perfect introduction, a fun and quite unique project.
Membership gives you free access to all tutorials
Learn when and where you wish - new projects added to the library each month + live workshop sessions through the month.